Cured meats, a post Covid outlook of the different segments: cutting bench, self service counter and take away


The quality and incredible variety of Italian cured meats are the keys to their great success on the fine food world mass-market retail. Thanks to technology, cured meat exports are booming.

Ended event


Opening remarks by GDO News | First part
Gabriele Conigliaro, Quantitative Market Researcher - Istituto Piepoli
Paolo Lasalvia, Business Insight Director - IRI
Umberto Bertaccini, Direttore Commerciale - Realco
Giorgio Manno, Direttore Commerciale - Raspini Spa
Roberto Erriu, Responsabile Acquisti Freschi - Gruppo Sogegross
Luca Albertini, Direttore Commerciale - Grandi Salumifici Italiani Spa
Claudio Barberio, Direttore Commerciale - Coal
Giulio Gherri, Ceo - Terre Ducali Parma
Gianfranco Delfini, Direttore Commerciale - Zuarina Spa
Closing Remarks by GDO News | Second part
Mao Jaianjun, President - Beijing Yuya Weiye Trade Co Ltd
Katja Mihelič, Commercial Director - Mercator
Giulia Angoscini, Business Development Analyst - Atalanta
Andrea Panzeri, Export Manager - Grandi Salumifici Italiani Spa
Teiichi Nakagawa, Buyers' Division & Norio Nakashima, Store Planning Development - Giraud Restaurant System Co Ltd
Rolie Ngai, Fresh Department Director - City Super Hong Kong
James Evans, Account Controller - Winterboatam Darby Div Foodservice

Partners of the initiative